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Rated R Premiere Recap

October 2, 2023

Salt Lake City has been a central hub for both snowboarding and our team for over a decade, which made it a perfect place to debut our new project; “RATED R”.

Salt Lake City has been a central hub for both snowboarding and our team for over a decade, which made it a perfect place to debut our new project; “RATED R”. It was an extremely special night for everyone involved, and the community showed up by the masses to see what Savannah Shinske, Jed Anderson, Spencer Schubert, Jacob Krugmire, Dan Liedahl, Jill Perkins, Cole Navin, and Reid Smith were up to in the past two years. Stay on the lookout for more tour dates coming soon here.

Photos: T-Bird

Venue Six69 in all it’s glory

Full Cast and Crew in attendance

Photo booth was a big hit

Spencer and his Mom Debbie

Reid with his family and Rav

The many generations of RIDE

Tattoos by @shreddinshiro

Sold out show

Spencer doing what he does best.

Hugs all around

Afterparty Featuring Music by Gap Year and MMH with a surprise Reid performance