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RIDE Stretch Circle R Hoodie


You’re reading the copy of a hoodie? Come on, it’s a hoodie. What more info do you need from us? You’ve probably got at least one of these things in your closet already. How is this one different? Well, it’s grey for one. Which is a great alternative to the classic black hoodie, especially when your friends are accusing you of wearing the same clothes all the time. What else? It’s got this RIDE logo on it. Front and back! More info? Jeez, all the standard hoodie features I guess. It’s got a hood, you can pull it over your head to stay warmer. Big pocket on the front so you can hold all your stuff with easy access. It’s heavier weight than your t-shirt, so it's definitely warmer. That’s it, it’s a hoodie. A hooded sweatshirt.

Sizing is based on men’s scale, but anyone can wear this hoodie.



Apparel Type

Tops ,Hoodies ,


Sweatshirts ,
